
Ambient Music Releases of the Week: July 19, 2024

Collected EPs [2015​-​2023] – Benoît Pioulard

This is a collection of various Pioulard’s EPs spanning 2015 to 2023, and includes several tracks that were previously subscriber-only.

Natur – KMRU

A staple of KMRU’s live show, this piece was inspired by Berlin’s relative silence compared to Nairobi’s constant sounds of birds, animals, chatter and electrical buzzes.

Possente Spirto – Sarah Davachi

Possente Spirto is the first track released off of Davachi’s upcoming album, The Head As Form​’​d In The Crier​’​s Choir.

Total Blue – Total Blue

The Los Angeles-based trio Total Blue combine synths, fretless bass, and guitar to create an album that traverses jazz, ambient, and dream-pop.

The Man From Nowhere – Throbbing Gristle

‘The Man From Nowhere’ is the first single off of the reissue of The Third Mind Movements by English music and visual arts group Throbbing Gristle. Having only been available as an exclusive release during the band’s last ever American tour in 2009, The Third Mind Movements will be released commercially for the first time on CD and vinyl on August 23rd.

An hour of sleep – Michiru Aoyama

Japanese ambient artist Michiru Aoyama, who gained renown for releasing an album a week, has released a collection of 1-hour albums that–if I’m interpreting the titles correctly–are to help you fall asleep. I’ve included volume 1 above, but the rest can be accessed via his Bandcamp discography.

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